Have you ever tired of going to school for years before finding a job? Massage therapists are one of the few careers that requires you only with a certificate, rather than a degree, to start your career. This great news can you tremendous money, time, and energy and make you be financially stable much faster than many other careers. Within 10 months, you will be able to work as a mssage therapist as your dream job. Massage Therapists earn average $100 per hour in 2021, according to American Massage Therapy Association (2021).
According to US News in 2014, the increasing number of spas and massage clinics in recent years predicts a growing demand for massage services. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects massage therapist employment growth of 22.6 percent between 2012 and 2022, adding 30,000 more professionals to this field.
Our goal is to help you find a job as a massage therapist after you graduate. You can either work for an employer in a variety of environments, such as spas and hospitals, or establish your own business.
Many students from our school start their own business as massage therapists. If you ever want to be your own boss, you don¡¯t need to look further. Come to visit us and see how we can help your dream come true. The following are some possible careers of graduates from our school:
1. Massage Therapy Practitioners
2. Massage Therapy Instructors 3. Massage Therapy Consultants 4. Private Massage Therapy Business Owners
5. Hospital
6. Chiropractor office
7. Nursing home
Student Entrepreneurship